Fern and Roby Anodized Black LP Weight
About half the weight of their Brass LP weight at 308 grams for a different dampening effect and a lighter mass for turntables that require something a little lighter.
Made in Richmond, Virginia, and machined from solid aluminum, our hard black anodized Record Weight improves the sound of your vinyl by lessening unwanted vibration coming off the record. An excellent accessory to Fern and Roby's Montrose Turntable or to your own personal deck, this weight is made to last a lifetime.
Ideal for lighter weight turntables with low profile dust covers
The integral 45 adapter allows you to use our LP weight for standard 12 inch discs and smaller diameter as well.
Dimensions: 308 g. / 10.8 oz. Metric: 75.12 O.D. x 29.25 H / Inches: 2.95 O.D. x 1.15 H

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