Capital Audio Fest 2023 Room List
Come join us at Capital Audio Fest in room 737. Check out our line up: Digital SW1X DAC V Special SW1X VDT IV Amplification SW1X AMP V Titan Special Speakers Wolf Von Langa Son Field-Coil Loud...

Looking for a gift for the dad who loves audio? Then look no further! Quite a few great products have come out this year to fit the bill. For the Dad who is always on the go, the new ZE8000 from Fi...

Mimic Mondays Ep. 5 is now live!
In this episode, we talk with the owners of Spirit Torino to find out what makes their headphones unique. Listen in to find out the behind the scenes of how the design new products and their uniqu...

We will be going to Axpona this year April 14-16. We will be presenting with SW1X, ampsandsound, and Acora speakers. We hope to see you all there! Check below for a full list of gear to expect: Dig...

Mimic Mondays Episode 4 is now live!
In this episode, we talk with ZB from PGGB to find out more about upsampling. We discuss some of the specifics of what upsampling is and about how PGGB performs so well at it.

Mimic Mondays Episode 3 is now live!
In this episode, we talk with Justin from ampsandsound to find out his approach to amp building. We also see some new things he has lined up for AXPONA and the rest of the year.